Keeping you Safe

Comfort and safety of our guests is our foremost priority and that drives our choice of the gear and equipment’s we carry on our treks and expeditions. We provide 4 season trekking tents on all our treks on twin sharing basis. Toilet tents, mess tents and kitchen tents are carried regularly wherever required. Porters or mules accompany us to carry group equipment’s depending on the area of expedition. We provide clean sleeping mats to all clients. On multi-day rafting trips, all the gear including client tents, crockery, stoves, sleeping bags etc. are carried on our rafts in dry bags. Toilets on river trips are the great outdoors. Tents are provided with sleeping mats.

We adhere to all the guidelines laid by the government of Uttarakhand, Ministry of Tourism and the forest department in our operations. There’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in the outdoors. Fresh air, captivating views, peace and quiet are no doubt invigorating. Wilderness, however, can be unpredictable and poses real risks too. No matter how experienced you are unexpected things can happen in a wilderness setting. While timely intervention is a life saver, response to any accident or mishap takes time. It is thus important to be prepared, take precautions and follow a rather conservative approach in terms of risk taking. When planning a trip we brief our guests about the route, situations, possibilities, risk factors and details of the safety measures available on the trip. This helps our guest take informed decisions and plan better. At Rewild we maintain high safety standards and keep ourselves prepared for the risks we may face while on the outdoors.

On the Trails

  • We are the team of mountaineers born in the Himalayan regions of Uttrakhand, Himanchal Pradesh and Ladakh.
  • Our respectful and polite trek leaders and staff are well trained to understand and take care of your needs. Our staff can communicate in both Hindi and English languages. Their expertise and compassion however empowers them to transcend any language barriers that may arise while serving guests from different parts of the world.
  • Our leaders are trained mountaineers from reputed institutions such as NIM. They are qualified Wilderness First Responders from institutions such as NOLS. Every leader at Rewild is Wildreness First Aid and CPR trained.
  • Keeping our standards and Moral high all the equipments and gears used on our trips are of high quality and meet international standards
  • As travellers and adventure seekers it is the role of the organisation as well its guests to minimize and mitigate the risks as much as possible.

In the River

  • All our guides are trained and licensed by the government of Uttarakhand. They have huge experience of paddling in various Himalayan rivers of Ladakh, Uttarakhand and Nepal, beside running the monsoon rivers of Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra.
  • All our guides are qualified First Aid and CPR certification holders.
  • All our guides are SRT (Swift-water Rescue Technician) and IRF (International Rafting Federation) certified.
  • As a team of professional river runners we never run our trips without safety kayaks.
  • All our rafting equipments including the rafts, paddles, wet suits, kayaks, PFDs etc. meet international standards.
  • Our river guides are highly trained in river rescue programs and they have hugely contributed in saving lives as part of the rescue teams during calamities. Our efforts and voluntary work in rescue operations during floods of Uttarakhand in 2013 and Kerala flood in 2018 have been acknowledged and appreciated by the governments of Kerela and Uttarakhand

Manage Risks

We would urge you to go through the points below to help us manage the risk involved and provide you a safe experience on your trip.


There is a minimum age for clients on all tours besides a minimum level of fitness required. Some of the easy level treks can be taken  Read More by children as young as 8 years while others might require a certain level of fitness even for an adult. Please get in touch in order to understand the age/ fitness requirements for any adventure activity that you plan with us.

Speak up your discomfort

Your well being is of utmost importance on any trip. Even if you are an avid trekker high altitude can sometimes show adverse effects  Read More on your health and your body may not support your ambitions of the trek. At such times be honest with yourself and others in the team. Ignoring adverse health signals of your body in order to achieve your ambitions can put you as well as the entire team at huge risk. If you experience headache, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, loss of appetite and thirst, fatigue or any other discomfort make sure to voice it out to your leader. This will help the trip leader to make crucial decisions in the interest of your health and rest of the team. Listen to the leader and the team and go by the resulting decisions. The peak you aim to climb or the high pass you aim to cross will remain there and there can always be a next time as long as you are safe and healthy.


When on an expedition in the wilderness one is expected to be flexible, energetic and helpful to oneself and others. Read More Our expeditions are participatory in nature and every member of the group is expected to carry their own load and to help in the camp chores including setting and packing up the camp. Those interested in cooking are always welcome to try their own dishes with our kitchen team.

Prepare yourself

Expeditions bring about a lot of physical strain and require good amount of physical fitness. You cover long distances with relatively lesser  Read More oxygen than you are accustomed to breathe. Even if you do not carry your load you will not enjoy the trip if you do not have the endurance and fitness required the trip. Talk to us and allow us to help you prepare for the trip well in time. Depending upon the route/ difficulty grade/ altitude of the expedition you many need one to three months of preparation.


While we try to take the best safety measures possible making sure nothing is left to chance, tours are subject to changing environmental conditions.  Read More Weather/ terrain/ river conditions are beyond our control and may impact the way our expeditions would progress. Challenges of unfavourable environmental conditions often occur in the outdoors and may bleak the chances of achieving the original goal of the trip. Under such circumstances the expedition leader would review the conditions and may decide alter the tour itinerary and/or chosen route keeping in mind the safety of our guests. We request you to respect their decision and not look at the situation as value for money denied. Nature is entirely unforgiving of mistakes and being realistic is the key here. Be open to alternatives such as attempting other doable hikes from wherever you are or staying camped in till the weather turns favourable. Mountains and rivers would always be there and the challenges they bring would remain the same. You safety, however, comes first.

Preserving the Wild

Much as we like to unwind in the wilderness and soak in the tranquil surroundings, we have a responsibility towards the natural world, in reducing our physical footprint and sharing the natural environment with its wild inhabitants. It is up to all of us to keep the trails wild and pristine. At Rewild we believe that every action and choice we make will impact the environment around us. We believe that the wilderness belongs to the birds and animals, and that we are their guests. With that in mind we follow certain nature-friendly policies and urge our guests to go through these while registering with us to ensure that we create memories with minimum impact on the natural surroundings and wildlife:

Reusable waterbottle

We encourage our guests to carry their own water bottles that are reusable. A BPA-free water bottle can provide years of quality Read More use while reducing waste.

Bring your own snacks

Carrying your own healthy snack (eg. nuts, dry fruits, healthy mixtures) in a reusable container will prove to be budget friendly  Read More and healthier for you as well as for the environment. This will reduce the use of snacks that come in disposable non biodegradable packages.

Leave no trace

The most widely practiced and most important rule of wilderness is to Leave NO Trace. We do not leave anything on the sites we visit. All guests  Read More travelling with us in the wild are expected pack up whatever they brought along (including the trash they generate) and carry it back to dispose of responsibly. Leaving the trash behind poses risk of harming the wildlife. With that thought consider picking up any trash you find on the trail for the love that you have for nature and wildlife. Additionally remember, not all that is biodegradable will be good for the environment and the wildlife.

Leave the Wildlife Alone

When you’re out in the forest it is very exciting to encounter different species of birds and animals that you may not see in everyday life. Regardless of what you find, Read More  always watch wildlife from a distance and do not approach them for the safety and welfare of the animal. Bring your binoculars, or a telephoto lens to capture the lifetime photo of a wild animal in its natural environment. Do not interfere in an animal’s habitat, and never try to feed an animal in the wild.
Avoid loud music in the wilderness- When you are in the nature enjoy its beauty and serenity. Loud music disturbs the natural habitat of the birds and animal and they do like to be disturbed just as you would not like to be disturbed by an outsider in your house. Noise pollution affects their ability to detect prey or predators and to communicate with each other and hence adversely impacts their reproduction and survival.

Few essentials to take note:

  1. Remember to carry your id card.
  2. Pack essentials and pack light.
  3. Medical kit- Although we always have the medical kit handy it is advisable to carry your own medical kit based on your requirements.
  4. Trekking Shoes- Wearing sports shoes on long treks can cause harm to your ankles. Invest in proper waterproof trekking boots with ankle support. Get comfortable wearing them a few times before you take them on the trek.
  5. Sunglasses- You are exposed to high intensity UV rays on high altitude. The reflection of sunlight from rivers/lake/ snow can be extremely harmful to your eyes. Invest in good quality polarized glasses.
  1. Smoking and drinking- Smoking and drinking should strictly be avoided  while you are trekking, especially in high altitudes. The air gets lighter as we ascent to higher altitudes and you need to breathe fresh air as much as you can. Smoking and drinking can cause dehydration and other attitude  sickness. Above all, let mountains and snowfalls be your charm on the higher altitudes rather than alcohol and smoking. They can wait for your after trek party.
  2. Trip Leader’s responsibility- Please comply with the rules and safety guidelines as instructed by the leaders prior to, and/or during the tour. The onus of a safe expedition lies on them, so please do not try to influence their judgement and allow their work to be free of interference.